понедельник, 27 апреля 2015 г.

Treatment by Hydrogenium peroxide

Treatment by Hydrogenium peroxide

At the moment interest in natural methods of improvement not only among the population, but also doctors is so great that, apparently, nearby that time when the doctor writes out to the patient not ten tablets with abstruse, not always clear and to doctors names, and two-three grasses, turpentine foot baths and a small small bottle of peroxide of Hydrogenium on all 40-day course of treatment.
We will open any home first-aid kit. What will we see there? First, Analginum, Baralginum and other analgesic preparations, cardiac — Validolum, Corvalolum, Tinctura Valerianae, still something and, of course, potassium permanganate, iodine and peroxide of Hydrogenium.


Today H202 — Hydrogenium peroxide — has great success. In medical practice use various preparations H202, and everything without effort can be bought them in a drugstore.
Depending on concentration she acts bacteriostatically (0,2 — 0,3%) and is bactericidal (0,5 — 3%) on different types of microorganisms. Renders also the deodorizing effect. In high concentration (more than 30%) possesses locally an irritant action and causes a depigmentation of a skin and mucosas.

The mechanism of action is bound to that at contact to tissues under the influence of the catalase enzyme containing in them Hydrogenium peroxide quickly decays with release of the molecular oxygen oxidizing organic components of various cells. Vigorous release of oxygen when decomposing H202 is followed by foaming of its solutions. It is necessary to notice what exactly foam promotes mechanical purification of the damaged surfaces as from wounds with foam microorganisms are removed, particles the nekrotizirovannykh (devitalized) tissues, purulent discharges, etc. Besides, due to foaming solutions of peroxide of Hydrogenium have local hemostatic effect at capillary bleedings.


Solutio Hydrogenii peroxydi diluta — the ofitsinalny solution containing in each 100 ml 10 g пергидроля, 0,05 g of the stabilizer to 100 ml of water. The content of peroxide of Hydrogenium in solution — about 3%. It is colourless, flavourless transparent liquid or with a slight peculiar smell, acescent reaction. Quickly decays with release of oxygen on light, during the warming, contact with the oxidizing and restoring substances, alkalis, some metals (iron, manganese, etc.).

Traditionally H202 is prescribed outwardly, generally for a lavage of wounds, and also at gynecologic diseases; Hydrogenium peroxide for gargles at an angina, a stomatitis is effective; as a local hemostatic agent recommend for a stopping of capillary bleedings, for example, the nasal. According to instructions and indicatings if in the prescription of the doctor Solutio Hydrogenii peroxydi is written and concentration isn't specified, in a drugstore release Hydrogenium peroxide solution in concentration of 3%. If not 3% solution of peroxide, and other concentration is stated in the prescription, it produce delution пергидроля or official solution of peroxide of Hydrogenium water, proceeding thus from the actual content of peroxide of Hydrogenium in an initial preparation.
Example from life (N. N. Kudryashova, Moscow):

"Peroxide of Hydrogenium relieved of ulcers. My mother is 77 years old. It has a heap of illnesses: heart, pressure, a diabetes mellitus and trophic ulcers standing is a lot of years. Tried all ointments and drugs that is in drugstores — helps nothing.

And then I was solved: if many write, what till some years drink Hydrogenium peroxide (3%) why not to try to rub it in soaked feet? That I also made: I rubbed for the night every day. And now half a year as feet pure also became soft, and were as a log.
I wish kind health to all".


Solutio Hydrogenii peroxydi concetrata — the solution containing 27,5 — 31% of peroxide of Hydrogenium has also other names: Perhydrolum, Nuregol, Lapyrol, Reghydrolum. It is flavourless transparent colourless liquid or with a slight peculiar smell, acescent reaction. Slowly decays at interaction with alkalis and organic substances.

In pure form, and also as a part of ointments it is used traditionally as a depigmenting agent, in an admixture with detergents — for disinfection and a decontamination of rooms, for receiving the solutions applied as antiseptics.


Hydroperytum — complex bond of peroxide of Hydrogenium with urea, contains about 35% of H202. This preparation has also other name — Perhydrit, but it meets seldom. Hydroperitum in the form of tablets of white color, easily soluble in water is issued; aqueous solutions have saltish and bitter taste.

Traditionally this preparation is used as an antiseptic instead of H202 solutions. Before the use of a tablet dissolve in water at the rate of 1 tablet weighing 1,5 g on 15 ml of water (about 1 tablespoon). It corresponds to 3% solution of peroxide of Hydrogenium. For a gargle of a mouth and a throat usually doctors recommend 1 tablet to dissolve in a glass of warm water that corresponds to 0,25% H202 solution. It is necessary to specify that antimicrobic action of H202 is short on time as release of oxygen comes from its solutions very quickly.

For today, taking into account development of leading experts of treatment with use of solutions of peroxide of Hydrogenium — William Douglas, Charles Farrah, Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin and others, there are following methods of application of H202:
— the external: lavage, irrigation, compresses, grindings, cauterizations, gargles, greasings;
— the internal: drink, instillation.

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