понедельник, 27 апреля 2015 г.

Hydrogen peroxide internal use

For the internal use use, as a rule, weak solutions of peroxide of Hydrogenium. This preparation at the correct application is absolutely safe and well influences a stomach, enlarging formation of the mucosa protecting from the acids produced by a stomach.

Many doctors consider that the majority of illnesses arises from improper feeding and disturbance of normal functioning of a digestive tract. The simplest example: often during acceptance of nutrition many wash down food with juice, water and other liquids which, getting to a stomach, dilute the digestive juice emitted by a stomach, a liver and a pancreas, doing them insufficiently strong for processing of food.

In this regard additional acid juice therefore there are a heartburn and gravity in a stomach, and subsequently and ulcers are emitted. If gastric acid completely isn't neutralized, gets further into a duodenum stay in which leads to various diseases, beginning from constipations up to formation of cancer tumors.

That in a gastrointestinal tract there was no rotting of the semi-digested products, atomic oxygen is necessary. It is formed in an organism of the ordinary molecular oxygen inhaled by us.

It is quite clear that at a present ecological situation some shortage of oxygen in an organism is felt. The modern way of life demands atomic oxygen much more, than usually. Reason of it: immoderation in food and drink, smoking, improper feeding, small mobility, etc.

Hydrogenium peroxide reception inside in most cases considerably improves the general with - standing, thanks to that that enriches an organism with necessary oxygen. At this method of reception of peroxide oxidation-reduction processes and in general balance of a gastrointestinal tract are normalized.

However it is necessary to be extremely careful in use of this method as peroxide of Hydrogenium makes very strong impact on an organism. At its inept use it is possible to earn many dreadful diseases.

Therefore even the doctors recognizing undoubted advantage of this preparation and propagandizing its venous injection very seldom recommend to the patients to accept peroxide immediately inside.

The matter is that the amount of the enzymes splitting Hydrogenium peroxide on water and oxygen in a stomach is much less, than in a blood. But there are some substances (such as iron, fats, salts and Acidum ascorbinicum) which easily enter interaction with Hydrogenium peroxide that leads to education of free radicals. These radicals can be very harmful to walls of a stomach and cause erosion or even a tumor.

Thus, inept use of peroxide of Hydrogenium can lead to various gastrointestinal diseases, including to a cancer. But at the same time, conforming to certain rules, it is possible to achieve appreciable positive takes, accepting peroxide inside.
Thus, inept use of peroxide of Hydrogenium can lead to various gastrointestinal diseases, including to a cancer. But at the same time, conforming to certain rules, it is possible to achieve appreciable positive takes, accepting peroxide inside.
Here some advice which the doctors (among them professor Neumyvakin and the therapists Smolentsev giving interview on this subject in popular publishing houses) studying this preparation and putting it into practice give. The doctor of medical sciences, professor, the winner of the State award, the full member of the Russian academy of natural sciences professor of domestic medicine Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin researched in the field of treatment and improvement of a human body more than 40 years. It is widely known both in medical circles, and among those who goes in for so-called alternative medicine.
First, for Hydrogenium peroxide reception inside it is necessary to use well cleared solution.
Secondly, it is necessary to begin with small doses, namely — 1-2 drops of 3% solution of peroxide of Hydrogenium on 1-2 tablespoons of water. During the day this procedure is repeated by 2-3 times. In the next days the dose is enlarged by addition of one drop until single reception reaches 10 drops.
The total of Hydrogenium peroxide accepted in a day shouldn't exceed 30 drops at all.
Thirdly, it is necessary to accept Hydrogenium peroxide only next the heart as presence of food at it enlarges negative impact of a preparation. It means that after the last meal has to pass not less than 2-3 hours. And after reception of a preparation it is necessary to refrain from food of at least 40 more minutes.
Fourthly, it is desirable to carry out reception of a preparation cyclically. After 10-day reception the 3-5-day break becomes. The following cycles can be begun with 10 drops, but not to enlarge a dose at all. Larger concentration of peroxide of Hydrogenium can lead to combustions.
It is necessary to notice that at the first reception of peroxide of Hydrogenium inside there can be strong intoxication of an organism, thus the state will sharply worsen. It is quite explainable also anything terrible in it isn't present. Simply Hydrogenium peroxide — very active agent and, having got to an organism, at once destroys bacteria.
Emergence of various dermal rashes and inflammations can become one more not really pleasant, but at the same time a good sign of salutary effect of peroxide of Hydrogenium on an organism. Through them there is a removal from an organism of toxiferous substances. Such inconvenience will last not for long.
At treatment of diseases by means of Hydrogenium peroxide vitamin C which considerably enlarges force of influence of H202 has to come to an organism.
It is possible to clear an organism before an initiation of treatment Hydrogenium peroxide by means of a vegetable diet.
At reception of peroxide of Hydrogenium also other unpleasant signs, for example nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, insomnia etc. can sometimes be shown.
In these cases it is possible to reduce a dose, but to stop reception of peroxide it isn't obligatory at all as solution is so weak that it is absolutely safe, and the useful effect after all will be. It is a little patience, and appreciable strengthening of health will become result.
And one more council before beginning procedure of acceptance in Hydrogenium peroxide, it is necessary to take care of cleaning of an organism. Otherwise effect it will be appreciable it is slowed down.
In summary it is possible to provide the reference of professor I. P. Neumyvakin who considered that peroxide of Hydrogenium is very useful to health and it needs to be accepted inside regularly.
"Now some words about Hydrogenium peroxide. I, recommend to all, both sick, and healthy, to take for the rule: to accept Hydrogenium peroxide daily — from tomorrow until the end of life.
Buy usual 3 percent peroxide of Hydrogenium in a drugstore and accept it 3 times a day surely on an empty stomach, that is or in 30-40 minutes prior to food, or not earlier than in 2 hours after food.
The general dose of reception shouldn't exceed 30 drops a day, but it should be enlarged gradually, literally on a drop.
In the first day part in 1 tablespoon of water 1 drop of peroxide of Hydrogenium on one reception. In the second day drip during each reception in a water spoon on 2 drops a feather to the pussycat, in the third — on 3 drops and so on, having gradually brought a reception Dose to 10 drops on 1 tablespoon of water. Having finished one such cycle, make a break for 3-5 days and begin a new cycle, but not with one drop any more, and drip in a tablespoon at once on 10 drops of peroxide of Hydrogenium. It has to become at everyone a habit.
The main thing — to be careful and not to allow overdosages. I repeat: 30 drops a day, no more. I advise also regularly to gargle a mouth Hydrogenium peroxide. For this purpose it is necessary to dissolve 1-2 teaspoons of peroxide in 50 ml of water.
The same solution it is possible to instill in a nose on 10 drops in each nostril. It suits and for external application in the form of compresses which should be put to sore points for 1-2 hours".
Hydrogenium peroxide — fine remedy. At the correct use it can become panacea from many, even illnesses hard to cure.

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