понедельник, 27 апреля 2015 г.

Face pack peroxide of Hydrogenium and yeast

The face pack from peroxide of Hydrogenium will relieve of spots quickly and reliably


  • • Efficiency of masks with peroxide for the person
  • • Masks with Hydrogenium peroxide: rules of application
  • • The best prescriptions of masks with peroxide for the person

For many the mask with peroxide for the person becomes that life-saver which helps to improve a state and appearance of a fat skin.
The chemical preparation applied in medicine as a disinfectant, effectively clears and on a face the inflammatory centers (spots and acnes) of pus and pollution. A fast adhesion, the general purification of a skin, complexion improvement results from them. However even more often it is possible to hear opinion that the mask with peroxide can do irreparable harm to face skin and carries in itself the hidden danger. Whether so it?
Efficiency of masks with peroxide for the person
The chemical composition of a mask with peroxide for the person is extremely simple so all processes which it is capable to cause, adjoining to a skin, too are extremely simple and simple. Are a part of this preparation (H2O2):

  • • Hydrogenium works as a part of water (H2O) on which peroxide at hit on a skin decays: water washes out and eliminates pollution;
  • • atomic oxygen (O) which remained after allocation from water peroxide can't exist in a single state and starts looking for activly to what to it to connect; as a result, meeting on the way putrilages and a mud (or pigmental substances), he "sticks" to them and pushes out outside where they are already washed away by water.

So activly working, the mask with peroxide of Hydrogenium possesses the disinfectant, antibacterial, clearing, antiinflammatory and bleaching properties. It abirritates a boring and stops an inflammation therefore spots and acnes under its action start drying up, them becomes less and less. A nevus pigmentosus gradually disappears, complexion is leveled and becomes more shining.
Masks with Hydrogenium peroxide: rules of application
The bleaching mask with peroxide which perfectly eliminates any pigmental educations enjoys special popularity today. However very few people know that Hydrogenium peroxide — is the strongest oxidizer which is capable to cause allergic reactions on a skin. If for preparation of a mask to take peroxide solution with high concentration, it can cause serious corrosive burns and death of dermal cells. That it didn't occur, it is necessary to adhere to a series of rules which will help to use masks with peroxide safely and at the same time effectively.

  1. That masks with peroxide didn't burn a dry and sensitive skin, in their structure surely there has to be strongly operating moistening agent (an egg yolk, for example, or olive oil). The main indication for such masks — a fat, problem skin.
  2. For preparation of house cosmetics use only 3% Hydrogenium peroxide.
  3. Before putting a mask on a face, triturate a small amount of the prepared admixture on an elbow fold. The thin skin on this site will instantly show you, whether will be on a mask of allergic reaction. An hour if side effects aren't later, safely you put an agent for the person.
  4. An admixture, what consistence it wouldn't turn out, has to cover a face with a thin layer.
  5. Time of action of such masks shouldn't exceed 10–15 minutes.
  6.  A course of treatment — 2 masks a week within one month. After that do surely a break in two-three months, using any other masks.

The antiinflammatory and bleaching masks with peroxide of Hydrogenium can significantly facilitate a state even the most problem skin if it is correct to use them.

The best prescriptions of masks with peroxide for the person
Prescriptions of masks with peroxide for the person much — choose what will help you to solve your problems with a skin most effectively.
•1. The clearing mask with peroxide
To dissolve shaving cream (tablespoon) with the filtered usual water (in 50 ml), to add camphoric and liquid ammonia (on 5 ml) and Hydrogenium peroxide (4 ml).
• 2. Antiinflammatory mask yeast and peroxide of Hydrogenium
To add Hydrogenium peroxide before formation of a dense consistence to yeast (two tablespoons). Such mask from peroxide and yeast is applied pointwise, only on spots.
• 3. The bleaching mask from peroxide and cottage cheese
To triturate fat cottage cheese (1 tablespoon) with an egg yolk, to add Hydrogenium peroxide (5 drops).
• 4. A mask a nonsense and peroxide from spots
(4 гр) to part a nonsense with peroxide to density that the meal turned out. The antiinflammatory mask from a nonsense and peroxide will dry all rashes on a face.
• 5. A mask for a problem skin from a children's dusting powder
Thin stream to add peroxide (three teaspoons) to a children's dusting powder (teaspoon), to shake up to a kremoobrazny state.

Effective and effective, masks with peroxide for the person — the real cosmetic find for those who suffers from inflammations (spots and acnes) and an excessive pigmentation. At regular application of such unique agent it is possible to get rid once and for all of these misfortunes and to look stunning at all seasons of the year.

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