понедельник, 27 апреля 2015 г.

Oxygen therapy hydrogen peroxide

Action mechanism

   The peroxide half-life period in a blood of the person – is less than one tenth second; however according to later data received by Maknofton, half-decay of peroxide can last about two seconds and strongly depends on rate of mixing with a blood.
   In a human body peroxide of Hydrogenium is developed by cells killers are leucocytes and granulocytes. Peroxide is their main weapon. When decomposing peroxide of Hydrogenium atomic oxygen is emitted. It is also the most powerful antioxidant which deprives of viability practically all types of a pathogenic microflora - protozoa, bacteria, viruses, mushrooms, cancer cells. The entered Hydrogenium peroxide (low-strong solutions) is affected by enzyme of a catalase which also splits it on atomic (active) oxygen and water. In this regard there is a saturation of a blood and according to tissues oxygen - the oxygenating effect. Since at the heart of any pain syndrome the central link of a pathogenesis is a local ischemia of tissues, introduction of peroxide of Hydrogenium has the expressed analgesic effect. Hydrogenium peroxide, being a source of atomic oxygen, has disintoxication effect, modeling function of monooxygenases of a liver. By oxidation nitric slags (urea, a creatinine, ammonia) and other metabolic toxic substances which are formed at an ischemia, poisonings, destructive and purulent processes, a burn disease, a hepatonephric failure are removed from an organism.
  Under the influence of Hydrogenium peroxide a certain part T - and V-lymphocytes perishes. However in 24 hours the quantity of cells of immune system increases for 20%-35% due to the increased formation of new cells therefore there is an active immune stimulation.


 At today's a bionomics, a delivery the person constantly doesn't have atomic oxygen, an antioxidant which struggles with all infections. It is possible to fill shortage, accepting Hydrogenium peroxide. I, of course, can't give prescriptions of intravenous application. It is only about oral administration as prophylaxis of usual 3% pharmaceutical solution.
 According to the reference of professor Neumyvakin, it is necessary to begin with 1-2 drops on 1-2 tablespoons of water three times a day. All complexity of this process is what it is necessary to accept only on a hungry stomach - that is or in 30-40 minutes PRIOR TO FOOD, or in 2 hours AFTER FOOD. And having begun a course, it is necessary to sustain it orderly. That is daily to add on a drop:
for the 3rd day - 3-4 drops three times a day, on the 5th - 5-6, etc. To bring to 10 drops, that is total - 30 drops a day. Then break of 5-6 days.
 The following cycle can be begun at once with 10 drops 3 times a day on 1 - 2 tablespoons of water within 10 days. And a break again for 5-6 days, then the next 10 days and a new break. It is possible to accept all life.
 To children, professor considers, it isn't possible, and it is necessary to give this preparation, only to reduce a dose twice. By the way, effect of peroxide amplifies with vitamin C reception, and it is normally combined with the vast majority of medicinal preparations.
 It is necessary to consider that at Hydrogenium peroxide reception inside, in certain cases there can be an exacerbation of diseases from a stomach therefore at emergence of pains reception of peroxide it is necessary to cancel and consult with the doctor having experience with Hydrogenium peroxide.
 Peroxide is recommended to be used and outwardly as a compress. For example, at pains in cervical department of a backbone. On a quarter of a glass of water (50 ml) add 1-2 ch.lozhka of 3% H2O2, moisten a napkin and impose a compress on 1 - 2 hour.
 Other option of application at a parodontosis, for elimination of a smell from a mouth: To take 1-2 ch.lozhka of H2O2 in a mouth of 20-30 sec. then to spit out. Or so: To admix 1 part of peroxide, 1 part of baking soda - on a wad and to brush teeth, массировагь gingivas of 4-5 minutes. To do this procedure every day in the morning and in the evening. According to Dr. Farrah, at 98 patients from hundred there comes improvement. In the nature peroxide of Hydrogenium meets in the form of dew, a rain, thawed snow.
 In living conditions it is possible to use it for watering of flowers 1 ml of 3% of solution for 3 liters of water, for prophylaxis of droplet infections in kindergartens, schools, medical institutions in the form of dispersion of 1,5 - 3% of solution of peroxide of Hydrogenium in air of rooms.

   At strict observance of the recommended technique and technology of intravascular application of poorly strong solutions of peroxide of Hydrogenium this method is safe, available and effective in clinical practice, dilating clinical opportunities of complex treatment of various diseases.
        I) Deficiency of oxygen. In the remote past, concentration of oxygen in air was about 38%. Under the influence of some circumstances which can include nuclear experimenting and war, the world industrialization and decrease of the areas of the woods, we have its contents at the level of slightly higher than 19% or a half of that amount of oxygen to which the person had opportunity, once to enjoy. Evolution wasn't enough time to dilate volume our mild pl to enlarge our ability to extract oxygen more effectively so we - it is obvious, we are in a constant condition of deficiency of oxygen.
2) Illness resistance. It is rather known that viruses - "anaerobic" educations, i.e. develop in lack of oxygen. The oxidatic system of our organism which is the main agent of detoxicating, relies on plentiful supply of oxygen. When there is a deficiency of oxygen, undesirable organisms prosper, and we appear in our own unnecessary wastage. Recently our society suffers from more hardy and persistent viruses, than ever before. We also have now the highest level of degenerative illnesses, than ever.
3) Hydrogenium peroxide, for therapeutic neurologic and surgical application. Contrary to estimated bad effects, clinical use, proved their value and safety. Oxygen therapy allows to avoid chemical poisons which are characteristic for heteropathic philosophy and often accelerate further бо¬лезнь.
 It is necessary to remember that peroxide of Hydrogenium isn't panacea, as well as any other separately taken treatment method. Proceeding from personal experience in official medicine and broad application of national methods it is necessary to use all levels of influence – spiritual, sincere, physical with bases of endoekologichesky aftertreatment.

 It is always important to remember that natural tools – usually the best.

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