понедельник, 27 апреля 2015 г.

Bleaching teeth with hydrogen peroxide. how to whiten your teeth with hydrogen peroxide?

Among the most popular ways of bleaching of teeth in house conditions - bleaching by means of peroxide of Hydrogenium (H2O2) takes the second place of postbaking soda.

It is interesting that the vast majority of the bleaching agents, including clarifiers for hair and special gels which apply in dental clinics, incorporate a significant amount of peroxide. It is the undoubted proof of efficiency of its use.

Unlike soda, peroxide of Hydrogenium gives noticeable effect not at once, but only after several weeks of application. It first of all is bound to absolutely other mechanism of influence – chemical. Baking soda consists of fine firm particles and works like a nazhdachka therefore the visible result after its application becomes noticeable much quicker. However if to compare soda and peroxide of Hydrogenium from the point of view of safety, destructive impact of soda on an enamel of teeth surpasses peroxide several times.

As far as it is safe?

The mechanism of bleaching is based on chemical reaction of oxidation that already in itself excludes opportunity to speak about absolute safety of such method. In the course of oxidation organic substances break up to two colourless components: water and carbon dioxide. But along with clarification of an adamantine substance of tooth peroxide promotes its thinning and renders an irritant action on mouth mucosas. Sometimes, however, instead of H2O2 apply Carbamidum peroxide, but the short from it doesn't change.

Therefore this way initially doesn't resemble to people which the gingiva or too sensitive teeth have "problem". As far as an adamantine substance of tooth strong, it is easy to check on reaction to cold drinks or hot dishes.

Peroxide allows to get rid of some types of a nevus pigmentosus, darkening of an adamantine substance of tooth and a yellowish raid. In house conditions most often apply 3%-7% a preparation. Frequent or careless use can lead to destruction and full loss of a native enamel that is irreversible. Casual combustions and emergence of a staxis of gums can also be a consequence of such bleaching. Therefore you shouldn't abuse Hydrogenium peroxide in a pursuit of a cheap snow-white smile nevertheless.

Also it is necessary to distinguish the moments when peroxide is prescribed as an antiseptic for a throat gargle. In such cases weak solution, but not a preparation in pure form is used. It doesn't do harm, but also to bleaching of teeth practically doesn't promote.

To everything who decided to spoil (i.e. to bleach) the teeth Hydrogenium peroxide, - to read further. The rest I recommend to entrust health and a whiteness of teeth to professionals and to address in one of the nearest clinics.
"House" ways

  1. After usual toothbrushing it is necessary to rinse carefully a mouth peroxide, without swallowing of this liquid at all. Then to moisten in it a cotton plug, accurately to wipe problem sites and it is again good to rinse a mouth, but already simple water.
  2. Toothbrushing by means of the usual toothbrush moistened in peroxide. This way is more effective thanks to the villuses getting into hard-to-reach spots where the cotton plug is simply powerless. After completion of procedure of companies it is also necessary to rinse warm water.
  3. Peroxide of Hydrogenium and soda. Bleaching will become much more effective if to moisten a teaspoon of baking soda with 3% solution of peroxide of Hydrogenium, having finished it a pastelike state and to use the received structure in the same way, as well as usual toothpaste. For one procedure is admissible to brush teeth at most within three minutes. Then it is necessary to rinse carefully a mouth clear water. Judging by responses, the effect is swept up at once, after the first application.
  4.  Special caps for teeth + the bleaching gel. Caps represent flexible plastic or silicone designs which put on the lower and top dentitions. Are framed in an individual order on the basis of casts of teeth of the patient (an estimated cost of one arch – about 150 dollars). Don't demand any special leaving, after use it is enough to clean of them a toothbrush and to rinse with cool water. The main destination a cap – to provide contact of aggressive gel only to a surface of teeth and not to allow its hit on an oral cavity mucosa.

As you, probably, already understood before putting on to a cap teeth, her cavity needs to be filled with special gel which exist in two options: the first, on the basis of Hydrogenium peroxide, – more effective; the second, with Carbamidum peroxide (urea), – more sparing due to the lowered concentration of active ingredient. Because of the prolonged action gel with Carbamidum most often is applied in house systems of night bleaching. All gels surely contain in the structure the sparing ingredients, most often – natural oils, Glycerinum, a potassium and fluorinated substances.
Remember, at professional bleaching Hydrogenium peroxide in pure form is never (!) used. Action of preparations is softened with additional components which remineralizut and protect an enamel, without reducing thus the bleaching effect.

Certainly, office bleaching (i.e. in dental clinic) is the safest, though will cost dearer the first two. It means obligatory primary survey of a dental health and identification of contraindications by the experienced expert. The doctor will pick up the most suitable composition of gel for each patient, and also the cap will establish the necessary duration of application. If, of course, after survey in general authorizes carrying out procedure of bleaching.

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