Hydrogenium peroxide for face skin
Attempts to find an optimum agent for process of care of an integument which is inclined to rashes and fat content, lead many to Hydrogenium peroxide known for all. It is necessary to tell that Hydrogenium peroxide more than is effective and available to face skin. At everything thus it helps to clear, narrow and disinfect pores.
Hydrogenium peroxide
At the same moment this agent is considered rather strong oxidizer which is capable to lead to emergence of allergic reactions, death of healthy cells and combustions. For this reason to apply peroxide of Hydrogenium costs correctly, and in that case it will influence an integument only positively.
Application pointwise.
Peroxide of Hydrogenium can be applied to the cosmetic purposes in house conditions if the integument is problem and fat. But as it is an oxidizer it it is worth using exclusively pointwise, it isn't necessary to wipe by means of it all integument on a face.
In addition, for process of care of an integument, it is worth applying peroxide of Hydrogenium of the lowest concentration which can only be found in a drugstore – 3% solution. You shouldn't apply it in pure form. The greatest result will be brought by the masks made at home and various agents for purification on the basis of Hydrogenium peroxide.
How to bleach a face by means of Hydrogenium peroxide?
to bleach a face
The fine bleaching action the mask made on the basis of cottage cheese, yolks and peroxide of Hydrogenium possesses. For this purpose it is necessary to grind carefully one fourth packs of cottage cheese with one yolk and after that to add five drops of peroxide to the received admixture and after that again to mix before receiving homogeneous mass. This mask should be applied on an integument on a face and a neck for fifteen minutes. To achieve except the bleaching action also nutritious, it is necessary to add in the course of preparation of a mask for an admixture one tea spoon of natural honey.
How to clear a problem integument?
cleaning of face skin
Peroxide of Hydrogenium is rather often used for process of purification of an integument of problem type. It is possible to make an agent for purification of a skin with application of 3-4 ml. peroxides of Hydrogenium, 5 ml. liquid or camphoric ammonia of 1 tablespoon of cream for shaving process which should be parted 50 ml. waters (it is best of all mineral). All these components should be mixed before receiving a uniform consistence.
After that ready weight should be applied with the mild massage movements on all surface of the person (you don't apply only on area round eyes and a mouth). In fifteen minutes this agent should be removed from a face by means of warm water.
This agent for purification isn't recommended to be used more often than 2 times in 7 days. And after use it is worth applying the moistening agent on an integument.
If on a face it isn't enough inflammatory elements, it is possible to wipe them with the help to a wadding stick which should be moistened in Hydrogenium peroxide – this influence helps to dry the inflamed sites. But it isn't necessary to apply Hydrogenium peroxide very often – the integument will start withering, and very fast rates. While at the correct process of leaving it will be beautiful and pure.
Attempts to find an optimum agent for process of care of an integument which is inclined to rashes and fat content, lead many to Hydrogenium peroxide known for all. It is necessary to tell that Hydrogenium peroxide more than is effective and available to face skin. At everything thus it helps to clear, narrow and disinfect pores.
Hydrogenium peroxide
At the same moment this agent is considered rather strong oxidizer which is capable to lead to emergence of allergic reactions, death of healthy cells and combustions. For this reason to apply peroxide of Hydrogenium costs correctly, and in that case it will influence an integument only positively.
Application pointwise.
Peroxide of Hydrogenium can be applied to the cosmetic purposes in house conditions if the integument is problem and fat. But as it is an oxidizer it it is worth using exclusively pointwise, it isn't necessary to wipe by means of it all integument on a face.
In addition, for process of care of an integument, it is worth applying peroxide of Hydrogenium of the lowest concentration which can only be found in a drugstore – 3% solution. You shouldn't apply it in pure form. The greatest result will be brought by the masks made at home and various agents for purification on the basis of Hydrogenium peroxide.
How to bleach a face by means of Hydrogenium peroxide?
to bleach a face
The fine bleaching action the mask made on the basis of cottage cheese, yolks and peroxide of Hydrogenium possesses. For this purpose it is necessary to grind carefully one fourth packs of cottage cheese with one yolk and after that to add five drops of peroxide to the received admixture and after that again to mix before receiving homogeneous mass. This mask should be applied on an integument on a face and a neck for fifteen minutes. To achieve except the bleaching action also nutritious, it is necessary to add in the course of preparation of a mask for an admixture one tea spoon of natural honey.
How to clear a problem integument?
cleaning of face skin
Peroxide of Hydrogenium is rather often used for process of purification of an integument of problem type. It is possible to make an agent for purification of a skin with application of 3-4 ml. peroxides of Hydrogenium, 5 ml. liquid or camphoric ammonia of 1 tablespoon of cream for shaving process which should be parted 50 ml. waters (it is best of all mineral). All these components should be mixed before receiving a uniform consistence.
After that ready weight should be applied with the mild massage movements on all surface of the person (you don't apply only on area round eyes and a mouth). In fifteen minutes this agent should be removed from a face by means of warm water.
This agent for purification isn't recommended to be used more often than 2 times in 7 days. And after use it is worth applying the moistening agent on an integument.
If on a face it isn't enough inflammatory elements, it is possible to wipe them with the help to a wadding stick which should be moistened in Hydrogenium peroxide – this influence helps to dry the inflamed sites. But it isn't necessary to apply Hydrogenium peroxide very often – the integument will start withering, and very fast rates. While at the correct process of leaving it will be beautiful and pure.