понедельник, 27 апреля 2015 г.

Hydrogen peroxide for skin

Hydrogenium peroxide for face skin
Attempts to find an optimum agent for process of care of an integument which is inclined to rashes and fat content, lead many to Hydrogenium peroxide known for all. It is necessary to tell that Hydrogenium peroxide more than is effective and available to face skin. At everything thus it helps to clear, narrow and disinfect pores.
Hydrogenium peroxide
At the same moment this agent is considered rather strong oxidizer which is capable to lead to emergence of allergic reactions, death of healthy cells and combustions. For this reason to apply peroxide of Hydrogenium costs correctly, and in that case it will influence an integument only positively.

Application pointwise.

Peroxide of Hydrogenium can be applied to the cosmetic purposes in house conditions if the integument is problem and fat. But as it is an oxidizer it it is worth using exclusively pointwise, it isn't necessary to wipe by means of it all integument on a face.

In addition, for process of care of an integument, it is worth applying peroxide of Hydrogenium of the lowest concentration which can only be found in a drugstore – 3% solution. You shouldn't apply it in pure form. The greatest result will be brought by the masks made at home and various agents for purification on the basis of Hydrogenium peroxide.

How to bleach a face by means of Hydrogenium peroxide?
to bleach a face
The fine bleaching action the mask made on the basis of cottage cheese, yolks and peroxide of Hydrogenium possesses. For this purpose it is necessary to grind carefully one fourth packs of cottage cheese with one yolk and after that to add five drops of peroxide to the received admixture and after that again to mix before receiving homogeneous mass. This mask should be applied on an integument on a face and a neck for fifteen minutes. To achieve except the bleaching action also nutritious, it is necessary to add in the course of preparation of a mask for an admixture one tea spoon of natural honey.

How to clear a problem integument?

cleaning of face skin

Peroxide of Hydrogenium is rather often used for process of purification of an integument of problem type. It is possible to make an agent for purification of a skin with application of 3-4 ml. peroxides of Hydrogenium, 5 ml. liquid or camphoric ammonia of 1 tablespoon of cream for shaving process which should be parted 50 ml. waters (it is best of all mineral). All these components should be mixed before receiving a uniform consistence.

After that ready weight should be applied with the mild massage movements on all surface of the person (you don't apply only on area round eyes and a mouth). In fifteen minutes this agent should be removed from a face by means of warm water.

This agent for purification isn't recommended to be used more often than 2 times in 7 days. And after use it is worth applying the moistening agent on an integument.

If on a face it isn't enough inflammatory elements, it is possible to wipe them with the help to a wadding stick which should be moistened in Hydrogenium peroxide – this influence helps to dry the inflamed sites. But it isn't necessary to apply Hydrogenium peroxide very often – the integument will start withering, and very fast rates. While at the correct process of leaving it will be beautiful and pure.

Oxygen therapy hydrogen peroxide

Action mechanism

   The peroxide half-life period in a blood of the person – is less than one tenth second; however according to later data received by Maknofton, half-decay of peroxide can last about two seconds and strongly depends on rate of mixing with a blood.
   In a human body peroxide of Hydrogenium is developed by cells killers are leucocytes and granulocytes. Peroxide is their main weapon. When decomposing peroxide of Hydrogenium atomic oxygen is emitted. It is also the most powerful antioxidant which deprives of viability practically all types of a pathogenic microflora - protozoa, bacteria, viruses, mushrooms, cancer cells. The entered Hydrogenium peroxide (low-strong solutions) is affected by enzyme of a catalase which also splits it on atomic (active) oxygen and water. In this regard there is a saturation of a blood and according to tissues oxygen - the oxygenating effect. Since at the heart of any pain syndrome the central link of a pathogenesis is a local ischemia of tissues, introduction of peroxide of Hydrogenium has the expressed analgesic effect. Hydrogenium peroxide, being a source of atomic oxygen, has disintoxication effect, modeling function of monooxygenases of a liver. By oxidation nitric slags (urea, a creatinine, ammonia) and other metabolic toxic substances which are formed at an ischemia, poisonings, destructive and purulent processes, a burn disease, a hepatonephric failure are removed from an organism.
  Under the influence of Hydrogenium peroxide a certain part T - and V-lymphocytes perishes. However in 24 hours the quantity of cells of immune system increases for 20%-35% due to the increased formation of new cells therefore there is an active immune stimulation.


 At today's a bionomics, a delivery the person constantly doesn't have atomic oxygen, an antioxidant which struggles with all infections. It is possible to fill shortage, accepting Hydrogenium peroxide. I, of course, can't give prescriptions of intravenous application. It is only about oral administration as prophylaxis of usual 3% pharmaceutical solution.
 According to the reference of professor Neumyvakin, it is necessary to begin with 1-2 drops on 1-2 tablespoons of water three times a day. All complexity of this process is what it is necessary to accept only on a hungry stomach - that is or in 30-40 minutes PRIOR TO FOOD, or in 2 hours AFTER FOOD. And having begun a course, it is necessary to sustain it orderly. That is daily to add on a drop:
for the 3rd day - 3-4 drops three times a day, on the 5th - 5-6, etc. To bring to 10 drops, that is total - 30 drops a day. Then break of 5-6 days.
 The following cycle can be begun at once with 10 drops 3 times a day on 1 - 2 tablespoons of water within 10 days. And a break again for 5-6 days, then the next 10 days and a new break. It is possible to accept all life.
 To children, professor considers, it isn't possible, and it is necessary to give this preparation, only to reduce a dose twice. By the way, effect of peroxide amplifies with vitamin C reception, and it is normally combined with the vast majority of medicinal preparations.
 It is necessary to consider that at Hydrogenium peroxide reception inside, in certain cases there can be an exacerbation of diseases from a stomach therefore at emergence of pains reception of peroxide it is necessary to cancel and consult with the doctor having experience with Hydrogenium peroxide.
 Peroxide is recommended to be used and outwardly as a compress. For example, at pains in cervical department of a backbone. On a quarter of a glass of water (50 ml) add 1-2 ch.lozhka of 3% H2O2, moisten a napkin and impose a compress on 1 - 2 hour.
 Other option of application at a parodontosis, for elimination of a smell from a mouth: To take 1-2 ch.lozhka of H2O2 in a mouth of 20-30 sec. then to spit out. Or so: To admix 1 part of peroxide, 1 part of baking soda - on a wad and to brush teeth, массировагь gingivas of 4-5 minutes. To do this procedure every day in the morning and in the evening. According to Dr. Farrah, at 98 patients from hundred there comes improvement. In the nature peroxide of Hydrogenium meets in the form of dew, a rain, thawed snow.
 In living conditions it is possible to use it for watering of flowers 1 ml of 3% of solution for 3 liters of water, for prophylaxis of droplet infections in kindergartens, schools, medical institutions in the form of dispersion of 1,5 - 3% of solution of peroxide of Hydrogenium in air of rooms.

   At strict observance of the recommended technique and technology of intravascular application of poorly strong solutions of peroxide of Hydrogenium this method is safe, available and effective in clinical practice, dilating clinical opportunities of complex treatment of various diseases.
        I) Deficiency of oxygen. In the remote past, concentration of oxygen in air was about 38%. Under the influence of some circumstances which can include nuclear experimenting and war, the world industrialization and decrease of the areas of the woods, we have its contents at the level of slightly higher than 19% or a half of that amount of oxygen to which the person had opportunity, once to enjoy. Evolution wasn't enough time to dilate volume our mild pl to enlarge our ability to extract oxygen more effectively so we - it is obvious, we are in a constant condition of deficiency of oxygen.
2) Illness resistance. It is rather known that viruses - "anaerobic" educations, i.e. develop in lack of oxygen. The oxidatic system of our organism which is the main agent of detoxicating, relies on plentiful supply of oxygen. When there is a deficiency of oxygen, undesirable organisms prosper, and we appear in our own unnecessary wastage. Recently our society suffers from more hardy and persistent viruses, than ever before. We also have now the highest level of degenerative illnesses, than ever.
3) Hydrogenium peroxide, for therapeutic neurologic and surgical application. Contrary to estimated bad effects, clinical use, proved their value and safety. Oxygen therapy allows to avoid chemical poisons which are characteristic for heteropathic philosophy and often accelerate further бо¬лезнь.
 It is necessary to remember that peroxide of Hydrogenium isn't panacea, as well as any other separately taken treatment method. Proceeding from personal experience in official medicine and broad application of national methods it is necessary to use all levels of influence – spiritual, sincere, physical with bases of endoekologichesky aftertreatment.

 It is always important to remember that natural tools – usually the best.

Hydrogen peroxide internal use

For the internal use use, as a rule, weak solutions of peroxide of Hydrogenium. This preparation at the correct application is absolutely safe and well influences a stomach, enlarging formation of the mucosa protecting from the acids produced by a stomach.

Many doctors consider that the majority of illnesses arises from improper feeding and disturbance of normal functioning of a digestive tract. The simplest example: often during acceptance of nutrition many wash down food with juice, water and other liquids which, getting to a stomach, dilute the digestive juice emitted by a stomach, a liver and a pancreas, doing them insufficiently strong for processing of food.

In this regard additional acid juice therefore there are a heartburn and gravity in a stomach, and subsequently and ulcers are emitted. If gastric acid completely isn't neutralized, gets further into a duodenum stay in which leads to various diseases, beginning from constipations up to formation of cancer tumors.

That in a gastrointestinal tract there was no rotting of the semi-digested products, atomic oxygen is necessary. It is formed in an organism of the ordinary molecular oxygen inhaled by us.

It is quite clear that at a present ecological situation some shortage of oxygen in an organism is felt. The modern way of life demands atomic oxygen much more, than usually. Reason of it: immoderation in food and drink, smoking, improper feeding, small mobility, etc.

Hydrogenium peroxide reception inside in most cases considerably improves the general with - standing, thanks to that that enriches an organism with necessary oxygen. At this method of reception of peroxide oxidation-reduction processes and in general balance of a gastrointestinal tract are normalized.

However it is necessary to be extremely careful in use of this method as peroxide of Hydrogenium makes very strong impact on an organism. At its inept use it is possible to earn many dreadful diseases.

Therefore even the doctors recognizing undoubted advantage of this preparation and propagandizing its venous injection very seldom recommend to the patients to accept peroxide immediately inside.

The matter is that the amount of the enzymes splitting Hydrogenium peroxide on water and oxygen in a stomach is much less, than in a blood. But there are some substances (such as iron, fats, salts and Acidum ascorbinicum) which easily enter interaction with Hydrogenium peroxide that leads to education of free radicals. These radicals can be very harmful to walls of a stomach and cause erosion or even a tumor.

Thus, inept use of peroxide of Hydrogenium can lead to various gastrointestinal diseases, including to a cancer. But at the same time, conforming to certain rules, it is possible to achieve appreciable positive takes, accepting peroxide inside.
Thus, inept use of peroxide of Hydrogenium can lead to various gastrointestinal diseases, including to a cancer. But at the same time, conforming to certain rules, it is possible to achieve appreciable positive takes, accepting peroxide inside.
Here some advice which the doctors (among them professor Neumyvakin and the therapists Smolentsev giving interview on this subject in popular publishing houses) studying this preparation and putting it into practice give. The doctor of medical sciences, professor, the winner of the State award, the full member of the Russian academy of natural sciences professor of domestic medicine Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin researched in the field of treatment and improvement of a human body more than 40 years. It is widely known both in medical circles, and among those who goes in for so-called alternative medicine.
First, for Hydrogenium peroxide reception inside it is necessary to use well cleared solution.
Secondly, it is necessary to begin with small doses, namely — 1-2 drops of 3% solution of peroxide of Hydrogenium on 1-2 tablespoons of water. During the day this procedure is repeated by 2-3 times. In the next days the dose is enlarged by addition of one drop until single reception reaches 10 drops.
The total of Hydrogenium peroxide accepted in a day shouldn't exceed 30 drops at all.
Thirdly, it is necessary to accept Hydrogenium peroxide only next the heart as presence of food at it enlarges negative impact of a preparation. It means that after the last meal has to pass not less than 2-3 hours. And after reception of a preparation it is necessary to refrain from food of at least 40 more minutes.
Fourthly, it is desirable to carry out reception of a preparation cyclically. After 10-day reception the 3-5-day break becomes. The following cycles can be begun with 10 drops, but not to enlarge a dose at all. Larger concentration of peroxide of Hydrogenium can lead to combustions.
It is necessary to notice that at the first reception of peroxide of Hydrogenium inside there can be strong intoxication of an organism, thus the state will sharply worsen. It is quite explainable also anything terrible in it isn't present. Simply Hydrogenium peroxide — very active agent and, having got to an organism, at once destroys bacteria.
Emergence of various dermal rashes and inflammations can become one more not really pleasant, but at the same time a good sign of salutary effect of peroxide of Hydrogenium on an organism. Through them there is a removal from an organism of toxiferous substances. Such inconvenience will last not for long.
At treatment of diseases by means of Hydrogenium peroxide vitamin C which considerably enlarges force of influence of H202 has to come to an organism.
It is possible to clear an organism before an initiation of treatment Hydrogenium peroxide by means of a vegetable diet.
At reception of peroxide of Hydrogenium also other unpleasant signs, for example nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, insomnia etc. can sometimes be shown.
In these cases it is possible to reduce a dose, but to stop reception of peroxide it isn't obligatory at all as solution is so weak that it is absolutely safe, and the useful effect after all will be. It is a little patience, and appreciable strengthening of health will become result.
And one more council before beginning procedure of acceptance in Hydrogenium peroxide, it is necessary to take care of cleaning of an organism. Otherwise effect it will be appreciable it is slowed down.
In summary it is possible to provide the reference of professor I. P. Neumyvakin who considered that peroxide of Hydrogenium is very useful to health and it needs to be accepted inside regularly.
"Now some words about Hydrogenium peroxide. I, recommend to all, both sick, and healthy, to take for the rule: to accept Hydrogenium peroxide daily — from tomorrow until the end of life.
Buy usual 3 percent peroxide of Hydrogenium in a drugstore and accept it 3 times a day surely on an empty stomach, that is or in 30-40 minutes prior to food, or not earlier than in 2 hours after food.
The general dose of reception shouldn't exceed 30 drops a day, but it should be enlarged gradually, literally on a drop.
In the first day part in 1 tablespoon of water 1 drop of peroxide of Hydrogenium on one reception. In the second day drip during each reception in a water spoon on 2 drops a feather to the pussycat, in the third — on 3 drops and so on, having gradually brought a reception Dose to 10 drops on 1 tablespoon of water. Having finished one such cycle, make a break for 3-5 days and begin a new cycle, but not with one drop any more, and drip in a tablespoon at once on 10 drops of peroxide of Hydrogenium. It has to become at everyone a habit.
The main thing — to be careful and not to allow overdosages. I repeat: 30 drops a day, no more. I advise also regularly to gargle a mouth Hydrogenium peroxide. For this purpose it is necessary to dissolve 1-2 teaspoons of peroxide in 50 ml of water.
The same solution it is possible to instill in a nose on 10 drops in each nostril. It suits and for external application in the form of compresses which should be put to sore points for 1-2 hours".
Hydrogenium peroxide — fine remedy. At the correct use it can become panacea from many, even illnesses hard to cure.

Processing of wounds Hydrogenium peroxide side effects

Was considered that Hydrogenium peroxide – an effective remedy of purification of wounds as it is an antiseptic which at hit on an open wound doesn't cause pain. However some researches showed that peroxide of Hydrogenium can not be useful in processing of wounds as it is capable to do harm to again formed tissues that can slow down adhesion process. Many experts consider that it is good to use peroxide of Hydrogenium for elimination of foreign particles and the mud which is on a surface of insignificant wounds in case soap and water are inaccessible, however long use of peroxide Hydrogeniums for processing of wounds isn't recommended in connection with its abrasive nature.
Putting peroxide of Hydrogenium on a wound causes emergence of sparkling blisters that makes impression of careful purification of a wound.
Researchers who don't recommend to use peroxide as an agent for processing of wounds, don't deny that it really destroys a mud and bacteria. However the main disadvantage of peroxide is that this liquid so of an abrazivn (even if to dilute it with water) that the natural process of an adhesion happening in skin cells is considerably slowed down after its application. The damages put to a skin with peroxide can be shown by dryness, an itch and a discoloration of tissues round and in a wound.
Wounds which were processed by Hydrogenium peroxide, usually heal more longly, than the wounds which are washed out by soap and water and the are longer a wound remains open, the risk of formation of an infection is higher.
And though peroxide of Hydrogenium isn't recommended as the main method of processing of wounds, it can be useful in the maintenance of a wound in purity in the emergency conditions. If soap and water aren't available, peroxide of Hydrogenium will help to clear a wound, dissolving a mud and foreign particles, or pushing out them outside by means of the formed blisters.
Hydrogenium peroxide – the inexpensive and not taking a lot of place agent, and it often is applied to processing of the insignificant wounds got as a result of incidents on the open district when opportunity to use other methods is absent. Peroxide of Hydrogenium can be useful very much when on a surface of a wound there is a dried-up blood as it will allow to dissolve a blood and to clear of it a wound for the subsequent putting other medicines.
Experts recommend to wash out a wound water and to clear it by means of soap, instead of regular putting Hydrogenium peroxide on it.
For prevention of emergence of an infection or treatment of already arisen infection it is possible to apply antibiotic ointments. If the condition of a wound serious or an infection remains within several days, it is necessary to ask for a professional medical care. Drawing on a wound of antibiotic ointments is more preferable, than Hydrogenium peroxide use as antibiotic ointments work softly and possess the moistening properties, accelerating adhesion process, but without slowing down it. Until the wound heals, it should be washed out water and soap at least twice a day, and when using antibiotic ointments – to follow all instructions on their packing.

Hydrogen peroxide wound care

How to process a wound Hydrogenium peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is described by a chemical formula H2O2 and in use most often is called as Hydrogenium peroxide.

How Hydrogenium peroxide works?

When carrying out chemical reactions of oxidation and restoration with its participation atomic oxygen is formed. External implication of such reactions consists in a decolorization of pigments and any painted substances. Atomic oxygen destroys microbes. But it very seldom meets in the nature. Hydrogenium peroxide very quickly decays at contact with a live matter, especially at influence of microorganisms which too perish. Strong solutions of peroxide are dangerous to the person and can frame a combustion of tissues of a skin and mucosas.

For what peroxide in medicine is used?

The medicine uses 3% concentration of solution of peroxide of Hydrogenium. For medical practice also tablets Hydroperitum as a part of which concentration of peroxide of Hydrogenium is brought to 35% in a complex combination to urea are issued. The international name" urea Hydroperitum Peroxide" is appropriated to them. One such tablet is equivalent to 15 milliliters of the 3% prepared Hydrogenium peroxide solution.

Hydrogenium peroxide solution health workers painlessly take out the dried bandages from a wound. They use it for maintaining an umbilical wound at all newborns, and also process it wounds before use of solution of diamond greens. But peroxide of Hydrogenium has short time of influence on microbes and it is considered at antibacterial treatment. You carry out processing of wounds and grazes qualitatively.

Solution of medical peroxide of Hydrogenium when processing wounds doesn't pinch a skin. Therefore it is used at treatment of children more often than solution of an iodine or diamond greens. Besides lack of color at peroxide excludes opportunity something to soil, and its properties to decolour maculae after pollution from permanganate potassium solution successfully are used. Besides peroxide possesses unique hemostatic action, than favourably differs from other antiseptics. A preparation will be applied to stoppings of capillary bleedings at superficial damages of tissues, at bleedings from a nose, to processings of mucosas at the paradontitakh, stomatites, gynecologic diseases, anginas and even at combustions and purulent wounds.

How to process a wound peroxide of Hydrogenium independently?

For the purpose of disinfection of a wound the damaged site on a skin is processed Hydrogenium peroxide without delution. At applications, processings of wound surfaces and stoppings of capillary bleeding all affected areas carefully process a wad with Hydrogenium peroxide solution.
Quite often peroxide of Hydrogenium is used in medicine for free putting off of bandages from wounds when cotton or bandage stuck to a wound surface. In this case peroxide a syringe is entered under bandage and when it boils, take out a bandage from a wound. At gargles 1 tablespoon of peroxide is dissolved in a usual glass of water.

Whether there are restrictions in application?

Contraindications to use of peroxide of Hydrogenium are absent. Use it for treatment of people of any age, both elderly, and children, even the pregnant women and mothers nursing babies. The only restriction is the ban of hit of any drops of peroxide on mucosas of eyes and occlusive bandages. Use of a preparation doesn't frame morbid feelings. Only certain patients can have local allergic reactions or a burning sensation when processing wounds.

Bleaching teeth with hydrogen peroxide. how to whiten your teeth with hydrogen peroxide?

Among the most popular ways of bleaching of teeth in house conditions - bleaching by means of peroxide of Hydrogenium (H2O2) takes the second place of postbaking soda.

It is interesting that the vast majority of the bleaching agents, including clarifiers for hair and special gels which apply in dental clinics, incorporate a significant amount of peroxide. It is the undoubted proof of efficiency of its use.

Unlike soda, peroxide of Hydrogenium gives noticeable effect not at once, but only after several weeks of application. It first of all is bound to absolutely other mechanism of influence – chemical. Baking soda consists of fine firm particles and works like a nazhdachka therefore the visible result after its application becomes noticeable much quicker. However if to compare soda and peroxide of Hydrogenium from the point of view of safety, destructive impact of soda on an enamel of teeth surpasses peroxide several times.

As far as it is safe?

The mechanism of bleaching is based on chemical reaction of oxidation that already in itself excludes opportunity to speak about absolute safety of such method. In the course of oxidation organic substances break up to two colourless components: water and carbon dioxide. But along with clarification of an adamantine substance of tooth peroxide promotes its thinning and renders an irritant action on mouth mucosas. Sometimes, however, instead of H2O2 apply Carbamidum peroxide, but the short from it doesn't change.

Therefore this way initially doesn't resemble to people which the gingiva or too sensitive teeth have "problem". As far as an adamantine substance of tooth strong, it is easy to check on reaction to cold drinks or hot dishes.

Peroxide allows to get rid of some types of a nevus pigmentosus, darkening of an adamantine substance of tooth and a yellowish raid. In house conditions most often apply 3%-7% a preparation. Frequent or careless use can lead to destruction and full loss of a native enamel that is irreversible. Casual combustions and emergence of a staxis of gums can also be a consequence of such bleaching. Therefore you shouldn't abuse Hydrogenium peroxide in a pursuit of a cheap snow-white smile nevertheless.

Also it is necessary to distinguish the moments when peroxide is prescribed as an antiseptic for a throat gargle. In such cases weak solution, but not a preparation in pure form is used. It doesn't do harm, but also to bleaching of teeth practically doesn't promote.

To everything who decided to spoil (i.e. to bleach) the teeth Hydrogenium peroxide, - to read further. The rest I recommend to entrust health and a whiteness of teeth to professionals and to address in one of the nearest clinics.
"House" ways

  1. After usual toothbrushing it is necessary to rinse carefully a mouth peroxide, without swallowing of this liquid at all. Then to moisten in it a cotton plug, accurately to wipe problem sites and it is again good to rinse a mouth, but already simple water.
  2. Toothbrushing by means of the usual toothbrush moistened in peroxide. This way is more effective thanks to the villuses getting into hard-to-reach spots where the cotton plug is simply powerless. After completion of procedure of companies it is also necessary to rinse warm water.
  3. Peroxide of Hydrogenium and soda. Bleaching will become much more effective if to moisten a teaspoon of baking soda with 3% solution of peroxide of Hydrogenium, having finished it a pastelike state and to use the received structure in the same way, as well as usual toothpaste. For one procedure is admissible to brush teeth at most within three minutes. Then it is necessary to rinse carefully a mouth clear water. Judging by responses, the effect is swept up at once, after the first application.
  4.  Special caps for teeth + the bleaching gel. Caps represent flexible plastic or silicone designs which put on the lower and top dentitions. Are framed in an individual order on the basis of casts of teeth of the patient (an estimated cost of one arch – about 150 dollars). Don't demand any special leaving, after use it is enough to clean of them a toothbrush and to rinse with cool water. The main destination a cap – to provide contact of aggressive gel only to a surface of teeth and not to allow its hit on an oral cavity mucosa.

As you, probably, already understood before putting on to a cap teeth, her cavity needs to be filled with special gel which exist in two options: the first, on the basis of Hydrogenium peroxide, – more effective; the second, with Carbamidum peroxide (urea), – more sparing due to the lowered concentration of active ingredient. Because of the prolonged action gel with Carbamidum most often is applied in house systems of night bleaching. All gels surely contain in the structure the sparing ingredients, most often – natural oils, Glycerinum, a potassium and fluorinated substances.
Remember, at professional bleaching Hydrogenium peroxide in pure form is never (!) used. Action of preparations is softened with additional components which remineralizut and protect an enamel, without reducing thus the bleaching effect.

Certainly, office bleaching (i.e. in dental clinic) is the safest, though will cost dearer the first two. It means obligatory primary survey of a dental health and identification of contraindications by the experienced expert. The doctor will pick up the most suitable composition of gel for each patient, and also the cap will establish the necessary duration of application. If, of course, after survey in general authorizes carrying out procedure of bleaching.

Face pack peroxide of Hydrogenium and yeast

The face pack from peroxide of Hydrogenium will relieve of spots quickly and reliably


  • • Efficiency of masks with peroxide for the person
  • • Masks with Hydrogenium peroxide: rules of application
  • • The best prescriptions of masks with peroxide for the person

For many the mask with peroxide for the person becomes that life-saver which helps to improve a state and appearance of a fat skin.
The chemical preparation applied in medicine as a disinfectant, effectively clears and on a face the inflammatory centers (spots and acnes) of pus and pollution. A fast adhesion, the general purification of a skin, complexion improvement results from them. However even more often it is possible to hear opinion that the mask with peroxide can do irreparable harm to face skin and carries in itself the hidden danger. Whether so it?
Efficiency of masks with peroxide for the person
The chemical composition of a mask with peroxide for the person is extremely simple so all processes which it is capable to cause, adjoining to a skin, too are extremely simple and simple. Are a part of this preparation (H2O2):

  • • Hydrogenium works as a part of water (H2O) on which peroxide at hit on a skin decays: water washes out and eliminates pollution;
  • • atomic oxygen (O) which remained after allocation from water peroxide can't exist in a single state and starts looking for activly to what to it to connect; as a result, meeting on the way putrilages and a mud (or pigmental substances), he "sticks" to them and pushes out outside where they are already washed away by water.

So activly working, the mask with peroxide of Hydrogenium possesses the disinfectant, antibacterial, clearing, antiinflammatory and bleaching properties. It abirritates a boring and stops an inflammation therefore spots and acnes under its action start drying up, them becomes less and less. A nevus pigmentosus gradually disappears, complexion is leveled and becomes more shining.
Masks with Hydrogenium peroxide: rules of application
The bleaching mask with peroxide which perfectly eliminates any pigmental educations enjoys special popularity today. However very few people know that Hydrogenium peroxide — is the strongest oxidizer which is capable to cause allergic reactions on a skin. If for preparation of a mask to take peroxide solution with high concentration, it can cause serious corrosive burns and death of dermal cells. That it didn't occur, it is necessary to adhere to a series of rules which will help to use masks with peroxide safely and at the same time effectively.

  1. That masks with peroxide didn't burn a dry and sensitive skin, in their structure surely there has to be strongly operating moistening agent (an egg yolk, for example, or olive oil). The main indication for such masks — a fat, problem skin.
  2. For preparation of house cosmetics use only 3% Hydrogenium peroxide.
  3. Before putting a mask on a face, triturate a small amount of the prepared admixture on an elbow fold. The thin skin on this site will instantly show you, whether will be on a mask of allergic reaction. An hour if side effects aren't later, safely you put an agent for the person.
  4. An admixture, what consistence it wouldn't turn out, has to cover a face with a thin layer.
  5. Time of action of such masks shouldn't exceed 10–15 minutes.
  6.  A course of treatment — 2 masks a week within one month. After that do surely a break in two-three months, using any other masks.

The antiinflammatory and bleaching masks with peroxide of Hydrogenium can significantly facilitate a state even the most problem skin if it is correct to use them.

The best prescriptions of masks with peroxide for the person
Prescriptions of masks with peroxide for the person much — choose what will help you to solve your problems with a skin most effectively.
•1. The clearing mask with peroxide
To dissolve shaving cream (tablespoon) with the filtered usual water (in 50 ml), to add camphoric and liquid ammonia (on 5 ml) and Hydrogenium peroxide (4 ml).
• 2. Antiinflammatory mask yeast and peroxide of Hydrogenium
To add Hydrogenium peroxide before formation of a dense consistence to yeast (two tablespoons). Such mask from peroxide and yeast is applied pointwise, only on spots.
• 3. The bleaching mask from peroxide and cottage cheese
To triturate fat cottage cheese (1 tablespoon) with an egg yolk, to add Hydrogenium peroxide (5 drops).
• 4. A mask a nonsense and peroxide from spots
(4 гр) to part a nonsense with peroxide to density that the meal turned out. The antiinflammatory mask from a nonsense and peroxide will dry all rashes on a face.
• 5. A mask for a problem skin from a children's dusting powder
Thin stream to add peroxide (three teaspoons) to a children's dusting powder (teaspoon), to shake up to a kremoobrazny state.

Effective and effective, masks with peroxide for the person — the real cosmetic find for those who suffers from inflammations (spots and acnes) and an excessive pigmentation. At regular application of such unique agent it is possible to get rid once and for all of these misfortunes and to look stunning at all seasons of the year.

Treatment by Hydrogenium peroxide

Treatment by Hydrogenium peroxide

At the moment interest in natural methods of improvement not only among the population, but also doctors is so great that, apparently, nearby that time when the doctor writes out to the patient not ten tablets with abstruse, not always clear and to doctors names, and two-three grasses, turpentine foot baths and a small small bottle of peroxide of Hydrogenium on all 40-day course of treatment.
We will open any home first-aid kit. What will we see there? First, Analginum, Baralginum and other analgesic preparations, cardiac — Validolum, Corvalolum, Tinctura Valerianae, still something and, of course, potassium permanganate, iodine and peroxide of Hydrogenium.


Today H202 — Hydrogenium peroxide — has great success. In medical practice use various preparations H202, and everything without effort can be bought them in a drugstore.
Depending on concentration she acts bacteriostatically (0,2 — 0,3%) and is bactericidal (0,5 — 3%) on different types of microorganisms. Renders also the deodorizing effect. In high concentration (more than 30%) possesses locally an irritant action and causes a depigmentation of a skin and mucosas.

The mechanism of action is bound to that at contact to tissues under the influence of the catalase enzyme containing in them Hydrogenium peroxide quickly decays with release of the molecular oxygen oxidizing organic components of various cells. Vigorous release of oxygen when decomposing H202 is followed by foaming of its solutions. It is necessary to notice what exactly foam promotes mechanical purification of the damaged surfaces as from wounds with foam microorganisms are removed, particles the nekrotizirovannykh (devitalized) tissues, purulent discharges, etc. Besides, due to foaming solutions of peroxide of Hydrogenium have local hemostatic effect at capillary bleedings.


Solutio Hydrogenii peroxydi diluta — the ofitsinalny solution containing in each 100 ml 10 g пергидроля, 0,05 g of the stabilizer to 100 ml of water. The content of peroxide of Hydrogenium in solution — about 3%. It is colourless, flavourless transparent liquid or with a slight peculiar smell, acescent reaction. Quickly decays with release of oxygen on light, during the warming, contact with the oxidizing and restoring substances, alkalis, some metals (iron, manganese, etc.).

Traditionally H202 is prescribed outwardly, generally for a lavage of wounds, and also at gynecologic diseases; Hydrogenium peroxide for gargles at an angina, a stomatitis is effective; as a local hemostatic agent recommend for a stopping of capillary bleedings, for example, the nasal. According to instructions and indicatings if in the prescription of the doctor Solutio Hydrogenii peroxydi is written and concentration isn't specified, in a drugstore release Hydrogenium peroxide solution in concentration of 3%. If not 3% solution of peroxide, and other concentration is stated in the prescription, it produce delution пергидроля or official solution of peroxide of Hydrogenium water, proceeding thus from the actual content of peroxide of Hydrogenium in an initial preparation.
Example from life (N. N. Kudryashova, Moscow):

"Peroxide of Hydrogenium relieved of ulcers. My mother is 77 years old. It has a heap of illnesses: heart, pressure, a diabetes mellitus and trophic ulcers standing is a lot of years. Tried all ointments and drugs that is in drugstores — helps nothing.

And then I was solved: if many write, what till some years drink Hydrogenium peroxide (3%) why not to try to rub it in soaked feet? That I also made: I rubbed for the night every day. And now half a year as feet pure also became soft, and were as a log.
I wish kind health to all".


Solutio Hydrogenii peroxydi concetrata — the solution containing 27,5 — 31% of peroxide of Hydrogenium has also other names: Perhydrolum, Nuregol, Lapyrol, Reghydrolum. It is flavourless transparent colourless liquid or with a slight peculiar smell, acescent reaction. Slowly decays at interaction with alkalis and organic substances.

In pure form, and also as a part of ointments it is used traditionally as a depigmenting agent, in an admixture with detergents — for disinfection and a decontamination of rooms, for receiving the solutions applied as antiseptics.


Hydroperytum — complex bond of peroxide of Hydrogenium with urea, contains about 35% of H202. This preparation has also other name — Perhydrit, but it meets seldom. Hydroperitum in the form of tablets of white color, easily soluble in water is issued; aqueous solutions have saltish and bitter taste.

Traditionally this preparation is used as an antiseptic instead of H202 solutions. Before the use of a tablet dissolve in water at the rate of 1 tablet weighing 1,5 g on 15 ml of water (about 1 tablespoon). It corresponds to 3% solution of peroxide of Hydrogenium. For a gargle of a mouth and a throat usually doctors recommend 1 tablet to dissolve in a glass of warm water that corresponds to 0,25% H202 solution. It is necessary to specify that antimicrobic action of H202 is short on time as release of oxygen comes from its solutions very quickly.

For today, taking into account development of leading experts of treatment with use of solutions of peroxide of Hydrogenium — William Douglas, Charles Farrah, Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin and others, there are following methods of application of H202:
— the external: lavage, irrigation, compresses, grindings, cauterizations, gargles, greasings;
— the internal: drink, instillation.